Economic Profile
Of the nearly 9,300 residents of Morehead City, approximately 94 percent of them are currently employed. Around half of them commute to work, with an average travel time of around 15 minutes. The most popular occupations are within management, professional and sales positions, and service occupations are notably close behind. Educational, health, and social services is the first leading industry, with the tourism realm of arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food service industry very close behind. In 2013 the median household income for the area was about $35,000, and the average house value is $214,000.
Newport's working population makes up about half of its entire residents of about 4,700 people. About half of these worker's commute, with an average travel time of 20 minutes. The most prominent positions held are in management, professional and sales occupations, and positions in construction and maintenance are equally common. The leading industries of the area are evenly spread out in a wide blend of educational and health services, retail trade, the service industry and construction. The average household income is about $40,000, and the standard household is valued around $136,000.